Women’s Ministry of ELCA

WELCA is represented through several Bethesda groups and activities. We encourage all of our Bethesda women to join in the fun, fellowship and sense of achievement by participating in one or more of the following groups or projects.

Typical Activities:
Some of the activities and fund raising events that WELCA has sponsored include:
• Circles – There is currently one circle group that meet monthly.
• The funeral committee – Volunteers help serve catered meals.
• Pop can tabs are collected to support the Ronald McDonald House
• Annual “No Bake” Bake Sale
• The Fall Bazaar

Supported Projects:
The dedication of time and talents of our many volunteers has helped us to raise a significant amount of capital which has allowed us to support the following projects and organizations:
• Food Shelf
• Love INC
• Jingle Bells
• God’s Global Barnyard
• Lutheran Disaster Response
• Items needed for Bethesda’s kitchen
• Luther Crest
• The Family in Need Fund
• Send a representative to the WELCA Fall Cluster meeting
• Mission quilts – Donated to the Lutheran World Relief (Going to those in need including some in third world countries)
• Health kits – Also donated to the Lutheran World Relief
• Midwife kits – Donated to Global Health Ministries
• Quilts for our graduating high school seniors
• Teen Challenge of Alexandria
• Alex Senior Center
• ISD #206 food shelves
• Synod seminary

Contact person:
Deb Sater – Treasurer